
Entity Definition

Logical Name : HouseholdDimension
Physical Name : ETL_DW3_DIM_HSHLD

This table identifies and describes a HOUSEHOLD which is a collection of affiliated parties that make purchasing decisions together. HOUSEHOLDS are different from CUSTOMERS in that CUSTOMERS are individuals who may be affiliated with a HOUSEHOLD. Note that as defined in ARTS, this table has a FK to customer so retailers can choose to analyze sales by HOUSEHOLD and/or by individual CUSTOMER. It is important, however that retailers synchronize their analytic approach to the way they record and attribute sales and customer loyalty points to customers.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
HouseholdID (PK) Token identifier for a Household. ID_HSHLD Identity integer
PartyID A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY Identity int
HouseholdName A name assigned by the retailer to a Household for reporting purposes. Typically a household name applied to a collection of Person entities will assume the last name, first name of the PrincipalSubParty. This is not a requirement so retailers may adopt their own convention for assigning names to Household party types. NM_HSHLD DescriptionShort varchar(255)
PartyAffiliationTypeCode A unique retailer assigned 2 leter code denoting the type of affiliation between two Partys. CD_TYP_PRTY_AFLN Code2 char(2)
StatusCode Current status of the affiliation between two parties. Values include: ACTIVE INACTIVE Retailers may add other values if required, SC_AFLN Code2Status char(2)
EffectiveDateTime The date and time the affiliation between two parties was inforce DT_AFLN_EF EffectiveDateTime datetime
ExpirationDateTime The date and time the affiliation between two parties was no longer in force. DT_AFLN_EP ExpirationDateTime datetime
InvolvementTypeCode Identifies and names a category of involvement. Examples: CREATORS - create content and originate ideas for the community CRITICS - review and comment on others' work COLLECTORS - Use material from others, add tag lines, comments JOINERS - Maintain profiles, visit SPECTATORS - Read material, read reviews, etc. INACTIVES - Joined community but not active This typically applies to PartyAffiliations between Person and Community. CD_INVLVMNT_TYP Code varchar(20)
PrincipleSubPartyFlag Boolean indicator that tells if the SubPartyID in this affiliation is a principle sub party or not. A principle subparty applies to affiliations like households and serves to identify the name and address of the "lead" member for contact purposes. A given household (or any non person group, community or houshold party type) may have one and only one designated PrincipleSubParty. Note that this rule has to be enforced in stored procedures or application code. It is not built into the data model. FL_PRCNPL_SUB_PRTY Flag int
PersonPartyID A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY_PRS Identity int
Salutation Extra words that don't form part of the person's name but are normally printed before the FirstName as a courtesy title. For instance, Mr. Ms., Miss, Dr., Prof. etc. This represents the primary salutation for this Person. NM_PRS_SLN Name varchar(40)
FirstName A person's first name. In western cultures, this is the given name, in other cultures it may be the family name. This represents a person's most current first name. FN_PRS Name varchar(40)
MiddleNames One or more middle names, that are printed between the person's first and last names. This represents a person's most current first name. MD_PRS Name varchar(40)
MailingName A culturally sensitive version of the person's name that is used when contacting them Examples: Bill Jones, Stuey McGrigor Tryggvi Thordarson NM_PRS_ML Name varchar(40)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
HouseholdDimension is contacted through HouseholdContactDimension
HouseholdDimension is an affiliation of CustomerDimension

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